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SuperPOWER Fruit - Watermelon

Is this the secret you have been waiting for...

July 8, 2021

Cheers to Watermelon and how many benefits it brings to our bodies. 

Hey Team Silke here,

I have an amazing blog for you today about Watermelon, prepare yourself - this melon punches above its weight, read on to find out why...


A simple scroll through instagram will show you just how many people are using this wonderful fruit to transform their lives.

The best part about the melon kingdom is that there are so many varieties out there;

  1. Sugar Babies, 
  2. Moon and Stars, 
  3. Hamis, 
  4. Crenshaws 
  5. Santa Claus melon exists (also can be called toad melon funny hey). 

And so so so many more verieties like the legendary Charentais melon from France or these two we have found in Australia; 

  1. Mango Melon
  2. Moon Melon

So many melons!!!

In summer when it comes to Melons. Melons are fantastic for your health and anyway, trying myself through the many species offered at fruit stands this time of year… is a fantastic and timely opportunity to do something good for myself.  

Constantly on the run and just never carrying jugs of water around with me, I live a life of productivity like many of us do. Meals in Cars…happens every day.        

So what do Watermelons specifically offer that makes it the perfect on the go Fruit??


1) It is made of 92% water and hydrates the inside of our Gastro-Intestinal Tract.   

2) Lowers inflammation andoxidative stress   

3) It natural Mono-Sugar Structure requiring absolutely no Insulin carrier into the cells   

4) Watermelon aids the Liver in removing toxic by-products    

5) Watermelons role with our Kidney wellness (eliminative organ)

But you are not here reading about Watermelon nutrition, an information you can find all over the internet. I want to share a different sort of Information with you and that is what does Watermelon do for your cells!. 

After all, what are we?, but a bunch of cells and two major fluids?  (Blood and Lymph).

Feeding and cleaning each one of your cells is something that takes place on-site and it is this on-site terrain, this culturing medium that had me re-think what is important to know about the food we eat and what is not.  

It is vital we have a look at the chemistry we put into our body, a high performance engine like no other. Arnold Ehret said it best when he quoted: “If something is wrong with anyone, look first to the stomach.” What he meant was not just the isolated organ (stomach) but much more than that. From the choice of Fuel we allow entering our system and the downstream reactions following such choices. Chemistry is very precise unpacking what those reactions are and its residues, or ashes. Looking at Food in terms of what it does for us, puts us in the drivers seat of our vehicle and its performance. This power position controls our level of health and vitality and who would not want to be in charge over their own body?     



Watermelon is an excellent hydrator. Not only does it contain 92% of Water, its water contains the perfect balance of; 

  • Calcium
  • Potassium 
  • Magnesium 
  • Phosphorus

These minerals in balance, will never require the body to buffer an over or under supply of minerals. The body looses a lot of energy pumping fluids in and out of cells against concentration gradients if we create an environment of imbalance.  

Potassium naturally present in Watermelon acts as a perfect electrolyte pre and post workout. Artificial drinks such as mainstream sugary sports drinks only unbalance our system, especially dehydrating our cellular environment with its very acidic pH.   

Then lets consider the consumption of proteins, fats, starches, pastas, breads and pastry? These food combinations offer a gluey, starchy consistency, their breakdown is laborious for our system and residues get stuck on the inside of the bowel wall. The average adult is said to have 2-9kg of undigested waste in their Gastro-Intestinal tract. Watermelon comes into those areas, hydrates waste matter and moves it on out. It is quiet common to loose 3-5kg’s of weight per week just by cleaning out our GI-Tract via hydration alone.

Cleaning out the GI-Tract has a direct effect on our brain tissue and frontal sinus. Your head area is connected to your Transverse Colon. Any obstructions in the GI-Tract here build obstruction and congestion up there ( your head space). All the mucus backed up in the sinus such as from seasonal allergies or chronic stuffy ears, nose and throat will be loosened by a week of eating watermelons and our bodies will try to kick it out.  

Silke: Wooohooo!! If that isnt enough keep reading to find out even MORE!!.    


Inflammation is a state of Dehydration. Looking at Inflammation with the eyes of chemistry, it is a state of being hot, acidic, dry, a state of agglomeration and pain. We can feel this state in our bodies if our joints are stiff, if we loose the ability to stretch, touch our toes, bend ourbacks. Loss of Range of Motion. Over time we accept this as aging.. This is wrong thinking, our lifestyles have created this state of being and our lifestyle choices can undo this state of being, you do not need to accept spending more time spent in an acidic cellular environment.

A diet predominantly comprised of complex carbs, fats and meat will create such an acidic environment, eventually breaking down cells to where they no longer function.Watermelons however create and alkaline environment and provide much needed balancing relief to interstitial spaces (the spaces between cells). Cells can now experience a less hot, dry, acidic environment around themselves and we experience that as a less pain in formerly painful joints.    

Silke: Less pain? Sign me UP!!!. 


Only Fruit is able togive our pancreas a break. This is because Fruit Sugar, Fructose, is a mono-saccharide, one of THREE simple sugars our cells within the body are able to utilise for cellular respiration;

  • Fructose (requires no insulin)
  • Glucose 

(requires insulin)

  • Galactose 

(requires insulin)

Fructose is the only sugar accepted to enter cells as it is. No Insulin is required. Those of us having insufficient production of Insulin can really turn their systems around by living a pre-dominantly Fruitarian lifestyle due to this fact. Not only is the pancreas allowed to rest and regenerate, it does so in a alkaline environment, as the metabolic end product of fructose in the cell is chemically alkaline.   

Silke: Sign of relief... I thought fruit was bad for me   


The Liver is a very hard working organ in our body. It is the bodys chemical factory!, converting and manufacturing in large volumes;

  • Enzymes, 
  • Bloodclotting factors, 
  • Destroys and re-converts old blood cells, 
  • Metabolizes proteins, 
  • Metabolizes Carbohydrates and 
  • Metabolizes Fats
  • Stores glycogen, 
  • Secrets digestive fluids, 

It is the work horse of our body, we need to give it some love if we want to feel more energetic and vital. One sign of an over worked liver, is fatigue. One ofthe best things Watermelon does for the liver is helping it with processing Ammonia, a waste product from Protein Metabolism.  

Perhaps currently or in the past we did try the a high protein or Keto Diet at some point in our lives and we are currently suffering pain and inflammation from it or still undoing the damage caused by it? 

Any Protein structure being broken down and recycled has Ammonia as a by product. Old and dying cells being transported to the Liver for conversion and recycling and Ammonia is a by product of that step in the cycle of Life this is part of the steps towards the Urea Cycle within the body. High Levels of Ammonia (Nitrogenous waste) in our system produces symptoms such as; 

  • Fatigue
  • Brainfog
  • Confusion
  • Pain in the Back
  • General loss of strength.  

Watermelon is excellent at helping the Liver process out Ammonia and we feel the lack of those toxic substances as having gained energy back. A new lease on life.  

Silke: mmm Maybe I need less high protein and stimulants and more Watermelon, keep talking...  



If our Liver is over worked and does not keep up adequately removing Ammonia, high levels remain in the blood, leading to serious health problems including Brain damage, coma, even death. Ammonia looked at with the eyes of chemistry is caustic - a toxic by product. If not filtered out by the kidneys, it will remain in the system and cause break-down of any and all organ structures it is accumulating in. Watermelon helps the kidneys indirectly by helping the Liver process Ammonia, it helps the kidneys directly by its natural potassium content, which balances the acidity of urine, helps excretion of acids and prevents stone formation.    

It is crucial for our wellbeing that we filter out cellular waste through our Kidneys

Our Urine is NOT supposed to be clear. It needs to show sediment, proof that cellular waste is being filtered out. The Kidneys specifically are excretory organs for cellular waste products as our Gastro-Intestinal tract is being the excretory organ for metabolic end-products of our digestive system.  This Mis-information needs to be corrected, you must see sediment in your urine. 

What happens when you put yourself on an extended fruit diet is the excretion of cellular waste through the Urine.        

Watermelon is an excellent tool in helping you cleanse and balance the tissues of your body. A prolonged diet on Melon alone will rid your system of accumulated waste, toxins, mucus and acids.  

Unburden your Body for a week by starting your day with fruit, specifically watermelon. Allow your system to rest and observe what happens to how you feel and function on a hydrating, alkaline forming Lifestyle and let Watermelon heal your gut, remove stagnant waste, and lighten your Body.        

SILKE: alright, I'm off to buy some local seeded watermelons right away.

Written by SilkeSchubert,    


Certified Detoxification Specialist